Chinese Medicine and Winter Wellness

Chinese Medicine and Winter Wellness

Embrace Winter with Traditional Chinese Medicine Winter, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is a time to nurture and conserve our energy. The cold, introspective season is associated with the Water element, emphasizing the importance of rest, reflection,...
Let’s Talk About Healthy Breakfast!

Let’s Talk About Healthy Breakfast!

Desperate to find a breakfast that isn’t a bowl of sugar but also doesn’t require a sous chief to prepare, I stumbled across quinoa puffs and came up with this super simple recipe.

The first meal of the day is an important one – we haven’t eaten for at least 10 hours and our digestive system is ready and raring to go. With the right food, we start the day clear headed, with lots of energy to get us to lunch (without the hangrys), sugar lows, and brain fog that comes with eating the standard packaged cereals.