Does Dry Needling Actually Work? A Comprehensive Look at Dry Needling in Newcastle
Dry needling, a relatively new treatment modality, has been gaining popularity in Newcastle and other parts of the world. It’s often used by physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals to treat various musculoskeletal conditions. But does dry needling actually work? Let’s delve into the science behind this treatment and understand its efficacy.

A Holistic Approach to New Year’s Resolutions: Bridging Chinese Medicine and Asian Wisdom Philosophy
As the Lunar New Year approaches, many of us turn our thoughts to fresh beginnings and setting new goals. Chinese Medicine and Asian wisdom philosophies offer a more holistic approach to personal transformation. Let’s explore how these ancient traditions can...
Finding Your Inner Sanctuary: Unveiling the Power of Seated and Walking Meditation
Seated and walking meditation are not separate practices but complementary threads woven into the tapestry of mindfulness. While seated meditation cultivates inner stillness and self-awareness, walking meditation grounds us in the present moment and fosters connection to the external world.

Everyday Balance with TCM: Lifestyle and Diet Tips for Harmony
Introduction: Balancing life’s elements is key to well-being, a principle deeply rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Let’s explore how to integrate these ancient wisdoms into our modern lives, starting with the foods we eat and the way we live....
Harmonising with the Height of Yang: Summer Wellness in Traditional Chinese Medicine
In the heart of Newcastle and the expansive Hunter Valley, summer’s arrival heralds a time of vibrant growth and the pinnacle of Yang energy. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), deeply rooted in this region’s wellness practices, views summer as a period to achieve emotional balance and vitality. At On Point Natural Medicine, we specialise in harmonising your heart—the emotional emperor in TCM—to resonate with the season’s essence and enhance your well-being.